ToolsLoad testing

Load Testing / Stress Testing

The @colyseus/loadtest tool is useful when you’d like to stress test your server and see how it is going to perform on a live environment.


Install the package

This package is installed by default on new projects created via npm create colyseus-app.

npm install --save-dev @colyseus/loadtest


The colyseus-loadtest command requires a few arguments to work:

  • script: The custom script the tool is going to use
  • --endpoint: Your server endpoint (by default uses ws://localhost:2567)
  • --room: Name of the room you’d like to connect to
  • --numClients: Number of clients you’d like to connect into the room.


This is an example scripting file. Based on the room lifecycle events for each connected client, you may implement a “bot” to interact with the room.

import { Client, Room } from "colyseus.js";
import { cli, Options } from "@colyseus/loadtest";
async function main(options: Options) {
    const client = new Client(options.endpoint);
    const room: Room = await client.joinOrCreate(options.roomName, {
        // your join options here...
    console.log("joined successfully!");
    room.onMessage("*", (type, message) => {
        console.log("onMessage:", type, message);
    room.onStateChange((state) => {
        console.log(room.sessionId, "new state:", state);
    room.onError((err) => {
        console.log(room.sessionId, "!! ERROR !!", err.message);
    room.onLeave((code) => {
        console.log(room.sessionId, "left.");

Connecting 50 clients into a "battle" room

npx tsx loadtest/example.ts --room battle --numClients 50 --endpoint ws://localhost:2567
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