Server APIGraceful Shutdown

Graceful Shutdown Process

Colyseus listens for SIGTERM and SIGINT signals to gracefully shut down the process.

These actions will be performed, in order, before the process is killed:

Server: On Before Shutdown

The custom gameServer.onBeforeShutdown() is called, if defined.

gameServer.onBeforeShutdown(async () => {
    // (...) custom logic

Process is excluded from match-making.

The process is not going to be selected for new room creations anymore.

Rooms are locked

The rooms handled by this process are locked via room.lock().

Room: On Before Shutdown

All rooms room.onBeforeShutdown() is called.

You may override this method to perform custom actions that will result in the room being disposed in a few minutes. By default, it simply calls room.disconnect(), which will trigger room.onLeave() for all clients, and then room.onDispose() almost immediately.

onBeforeShutdown() {
    // Notify users that process is shutting down, they may need to save their progress and join a new room
    this.broadcast("going-down", "Server is shutting down. Please save your progress and join a new room.");
    // Disconnect all clients after 5 minutes
    this.clock.setTimeout(() => this.disconnect(), 5 * 60 * 1000);

(…) wait until all rooms are disposed

The server waits for local room count to be zero before proceeding to the next step.

Close Transport, Presence, and Driver

The Transport, Presence, and Driver are closed and disconnected.

Server: On Shutdown

The custom gameServer.onShutdown() is called, if defined.

At this point there is no more rooms or clients connected to the server.

gameServer.onShutdown(async () => {
    // (...) custom logic

Process is killed

The process is killed after all the steps above are completed.

You may use async functions or return a Promise to perform asynchronous operations on onLeave and onDispose methods, as well as gameServer.onBeforeShutdown() and gameServer.onShutdown().

By returning a Promise, the server will wait for them to be completed before killing the worker process.

import { Room } from "colyseus";
class MyRoom extends Room {
    onLeave (client) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            doDatabaseOperation((err, data) => {
                if (err) {
                } else {
    onDispose () {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            doDatabaseOperation((err, data) => {
                if (err) {
                } else {
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