Advanced Usage

Since @colyseus/schema 3.0, experimental APIs are available allowing you to customize:

Custom types and encoding

You can define custom types to encode and decode your data structures.

import { Schema, defineCustomTypes } from "@colyseus/schema";
import { TextDecoder, TextEncoder } from "util";
const _encoder = new TextEncoder();
const _decoder = new TextDecoder();
const customType = defineCustomTypes({
        cstring: {
            encode: (bytes, value, it) => {
                value ??= "";
                value += "\x00";
                if (bytes instanceof Uint8Array) {
                    it.offset += _encoder.encodeInto(value, bytes.subarray(it.offset)).written;
                } else {
                    const encoded = _encoder.encode(value);
                    const len = encoded.length;
                    for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) bytes[it.offset++] = encoded[i]; // could probably also figure out if bytes has .set
            decode: (bytes, it) => {
                // should short circuit if buffer length can't be determined for some reason so we don't just infinitely loop
                const len = (bytes as Buffer | ArrayBuffer).byteLength ?? (bytes as number[]).length;
                if (len === undefined) throw TypeError("Unable to determine length of 'BufferLike' " + bytes.toString());
                let start = it.offset;
                while (it.offset < len && bytes[it.offset++] !== 0x00) { }; // nop, fast search for terminator
                return _decoder.decode(new Uint8Array((bytes as Buffer | Uint8Array)?.subarray?.(start, it.offset - 1) ?? bytes.slice(start, it.offset - 1))); // ignore terminator
class MyState extends Schema {
    @customType("cstring") message: string;

See CustomPrimitiveTypes.test.ts for more examples, which includes:

TypeDescriptionLimitationSize (Bytes)
"varInt"signed variable-length encoded integer (number type)-2147483648 to 2147483647 (safely)1 - 8 (depending on bits used)
"varUint"unsigned variable-length encoded integer (number type)0 to 4294967296 (safely)1 - 8 (depending on bits used)
"varBigInt"signed variable-length encoded integer (bigint type)limitations based on platforms bigint implementation1 - ? (depending on the bits used)
"varBigUint"unsigned variable-length encoded integer (bigint type)limitations based on platforms bigint implementation1 - ? (depending on the bits used)
"varFloat32"single-precision variable-length encoded floating-point number-3.40282347e+38 to 3.40282347e+382 - 6 (depending on bits used)
"varFloat64"double-precision variable-length encoded floating-point number-1.7976931348623157e+308 to 1.7976931348623157e+3082 - 10 (depending on the bits used)

Change Tracking

The $track method is called whenever a @type()’d attribute gets mutated. It is used to track which properties must be encoded.

import { $track, Schema } from "@colyseus/schema";
class Vec3 extends Schema {
    x: number;
    y: number;
    z: number;
Vec3[$track] = (changeTree: ChangeTree, index: number, operation: OPERATION = OPERATION.ADD) {
    changeTree.change(index, operation);

See ChangeTree for more information.

Byte-level encoding

At the $encoder method call, you may customize how a particular structure gets encoded into the buffer that is sent over the wire for the client.

import { $encoder, Schema } from "@colyseus/schema";
class Vec3 extends Schema {
    x: number;
    y: number;
    z: number;
Vec[$encoder] = function (encoder, buffer, changeTree, index, operation, it, isEncodeAll, hasView) {
    // encode x / y / z into a single byte
    // (this limits for values ranging from 0 to 7 for x, y, and z.)
    buffer[it.offset++] = (x << 6) | (y << 3) | z;

See EncodeOperation method signature for full list of arguments.

Byte-level decoding

At the $decoder method call, you may customize how a particular structure gets decoded, and how to interact with the callback system.

import { $decoder, Schema } from "@colyseus/schema";
class Vec3 extends Schema {
    x: number;
    y: number;
    z: number;
Vec[$decoder] = function (decoder, bytes, it, ref, allChanges) {
    // decode x / y / z from a single byte
    // (values can only range from 0 to 7)
    const byte = bytes[it.offset++];
    ref.x = (byte >> 6) & 0x07;
    ref.y = (byte >> 3) & 0x07;
    ref.z = byte & 0x07;
    // (optional) add change to list of changes, for callback handling
        ref: ref,
        refId: decoder.root.refIds.get(ref),
        field: "x",
        value: ref.x,
        previousValue: undefined,
        ref: ref,
        refId: decoder.root.refIds.get(ref),
        field: "y",
        value: ref.y,
        previousValue: undefined,
        ref: ref,
        refId: decoder.root.refIds.get(ref),
        field: "z",
        value: ref.z,
        previousValue: undefined,

See DecodeOperation method signature for full list of arguments.

Encoding non-Schema structures

In order to encode 3rd party structures, there are 2 steps to take:

  1. Use Metadata.setFields() to define the properties to be encoded.
  2. Initialize each instance with Schema.initialize() as soon as the 3rd party structure has been instantiated.

Possible conflicts with 3rd party libraries

  • Schema.initialize() is going to assign a property descriptor per property defined by Metadata.setFields().
  • If the 3rd party library you use also defines their own property descriptors (or use getters/setters for such properties), synchronization will not work as expected.
import { Schema, Metadata } from "@colyseus/schema";
// the 3rd party structure...
class Vec3 {
    x: number;
    y: number;
    z: number;
// define how to encode the properties
Metadata.setFields(Vec3, {
    x: "number",
    y: "number",
    z: "number",
// initialize it!
const vec3 = new Vec3();
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