Timing Events

For timing events, it’s recommended to use the this.clock methods, from your Room instance.

All intervals and timeouts registered on this.clock are cleared automatically when the Room is disposed.


The built-in setTimeout and setInterval methods rely on CPU load, which may delay an unexpected amount of time to execute.


The clock is provided as a useful mechanism to time events outside of a stateful simulation. An example use case could be: when a player collects an item you might clock.setTimeout(...) to create a new collectible. One advantage to using this.clock is that you do not have to be concerned with room updates and deltas and can instead focus on timing your events independently of the room state.

Public methods

Note: time parameters are in milliseconds

clock.setInterval(callback, time, ...args): Delayed

The setInterval() method repeatedly calls a function or executes a code snippet, with a fixed time delay between each call. It returns Delayed instance which identifies the interval, so you can manipulate it later.

clock.setTimeout(callback, time, ...args): Delayed

The setTimeout() method sets a timer which executes a function or specified piece of code once after the timer expires. It returns Delayed instance which identifies the interval, so you can manipulate it later.


The example below shows a Room with: setInterval(), setTimeout and clearing a previously stored instance of type Delayed; along with showing the currentTime from the Room’s clock instance.

After 1 second ‘Time now ’ + this.clock.currentTime is console.log’d, and then after 10 seconds we clear the interval via this.delayedInterval.clear()

// Import Delayed
import { Room, Client, Delayed } from "colyseus";
export class MyRoom extends Room {
    // For this example
    public delayedInterval!: Delayed;
    // When room is initialized
    onCreate(options: any) {
        // start the clock ticking
        // Set an interval and store a reference to it
        // so that we may clear it later
        this.delayedInterval = this.clock.setInterval(() => {
            console.log("Time now " + this.clock.currentTime);
        }, 1000);
        // After 10 seconds clear the timeout;
        // this will *stop and destroy* the timeout completely
        this.clock.setTimeout(() => {
        }, 10000);


Clear all intervals and timeouts registered with clock.setInterval() and clock.setTimeout().


Start counting time.


Stop counting time.


This method is called automatically at every simulation interval step. All Delayed instances are checked during tick.

See Room#setSimiulationInterval() for more details.

Public properties


Elapsed time in milliseconds since clock.start() method was called. Read only.


Current time in milliseconds. Read only.


The difference in milliseconds between the last and current clock.tick() call. Read only.


Delayed instances are created from clock.setInterval() or clock.setTimeout() methods.

Public methods


Pause the time of a particular Delayed instance. (elapsedTime is not going to increase until .resume() is called.)


Resumes the time of a particular Delayed instance. (elapsedTime is going to continue to increase normally)


Clears the timeout or interval.


Reset the elapsed time.

Public properties

delayed.elapsedTime: number

Elapsed time of the Delayed instance, in milliseconds since started.

delayed.active: boolean

Returns true if timer is still running.

delayed.paused: boolean

Returns true if timer has been paused via .pause().

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