AuthenticationHTTP Middleware

HTTP Middleware

If you are using the HTTP API, you can authenticate your requests using the Authorization header.

Client SDK: Set the auth token

// set the auth token
client.auth.token = "YOUR AUTH TOKEN";

If you are using the @colyseus/auth module, this token is managed automatically. See Authentication → Module.

Client SDK: Make HTTP requests

The HTTP requests contain the auth token in the Authorization header.

client.http.get("/profile").then((response) => {

Server: Validate the auth token

If you are using the @colyseus/auth module, you can use the auth.middleware() method to validate the authentication token in your routes.

import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";
// ...
    initializeExpress: (app) => {
        app.use("/profile", auth.middleware(), (req, res) => {
            console.log("authenticated user:", req.auth);
// ...
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