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Server API » Transport

Colyseus currently provides two WebSocket implementations as its Transport layer.

Each Transport has its own set of options for customization.

Default WebSocket Transport (via ws)

The default WebSocket transport uses the websockets/ws implementation.

A WebSocketTransport with its default options is going to be used automatically if no transport is provided for Server's constructor.


import config from "@colyseus/tools";
import { WebSocketTransport } from "@colyseus/ws-transport"

export default config({
  // ...

  initializeTransport: function(opts) {
    return new WebSocketTransport({
      pingInterval: 6000,
      pingMaxRetries: 4,
      maxPayload: 1024 * 1024 * 1, // 1MB Max Payload

  // ...
import { Server } from "@colyseus/core";
import { WebSocketTransport } from "@colyseus/ws-transport"

const gameServer = new Server({
    transport: new WebSocketTransport({
        pingInterval: 6000,
        pingMaxRetries: 4,

Available options:


A Node.js http server instance to re-use for the WebSocket server. Useful when you'd like to use Express along with Colyseus.

import { createServer } from "http";
import { Server } from "@colyseus/core";
import { WebSocketTransport } from "@colyseus/ws-transport"

const server = createServer(); // create the http server manually

const gameServer = new Server({
  transport: new WebSocketTransport({
    server // provide the custom server for `WebSocketTransport`
import express from "express";
import { createServer } from "http";
import { Server } from "@colyseus/core";
import { WebSocketTransport } from "@colyseus/ws-transport"

const app = express();
const server = createServer(app); // create the http server manually

const gameServer = new Server({
  transport: new WebSocketTransport({
    server // provide the custom server for `WebSocketTransport`

By not providing this option, an http server is going to be created automatically for you.


Number of milliseconds for the server to "ping" the clients.

The clients are going to be forcibly disconnected if they can't respond after pingMaxRetries retries.

Default: 3000


Maximum allowed number of pings without a response.

Default: 2


Maximum payload clients can send per message to the server.

Default: 4096 (4kb)


This method happens before WebSocket handshake. If verifyClient is not set then the handshake is automatically accepted.

  • info (Object)

    • origin (String) The value in the Origin header indicated by the client.
    • req (http.IncomingMessage) The client HTTP GET request.
    • secure (Boolean) true if req.connection.authorized or req.connection.encrypted is set.
  • next (Function) A callback that must be called by the user upon inspection of the info fields. Arguments in this callback are:

    • result (Boolean) Whether or not to accept the handshake.
    • code (Number) When result is false this field determines the HTTP error status code to be sent to the client.
    • name (String) When result is false this field determines the HTTP reason phrase.

Native C++ WebSocket Transport (via uWebSockets.js)

The uWebSockets.js implementation generally performs better than the default, in terms of number of CCU it can hold, and memory consumption.

HTTP Routing works differently with uWebSockets.js

The major disadvantage of using uWebSockets.js is that their HTTP/routing system works completely different than regular Node.js/express routes. See more about this on Custom HTTP routes with uWebSockets.js


npm install --save @colyseus/uwebsockets-transport


import { Server } from "@colyseus/core";
import { uWebSocketsTransport } from "@colyseus/uwebsockets-transport"

const gameServer = new Server({
    transport: new uWebSocketsTransport({
        /* options */

Available options:


Maximum length of received message. If a client tries to send you a message larger than this, the connection is immediately closed.

Defaults to 4096 (4kb)


Maximum amount of seconds that may pass without sending or getting a message. Connection is closed if this timeout passes. Resolution (granularity) for timeouts are typically 4 seconds, rounded to closest.

Disable by using 0.

Defaults to 120


Whether or not we should automatically send pings to uphold a stable connection given idleTimeout.

Defaults to true


What permessage-deflate compression to use. uWS.DISABLED, uWS.SHARED_COMPRESSOR or any of the uWS.DEDICATED_COMPRESSOR_xxxKB.

Defaults to uWS.DISABLED


Maximum length of allowed backpressure per socket when publishing or sending messages. Slow receivers with too high backpressure will be skipped until they catch up or timeout.

Defaults to 1024 * 1024


Path to the SSL key file. (for SSL termination through the Node.js application.)


Path to the SSL certificate file. (for SSL termination through the Node.js application.)


Password for the SSL file. (for SSL termination through the Node.js application.)

Custom HTTP routes with uWebSockets.js

Native uWebSockets.js routing:

The uWebSocketsTransport exposes the variable app as a reference to the raw uws.App or uws.SSLApp from uWebSockets.js library.

You can use directly to bind http routes using the uWebSockets.js API, see below:

import { uWebSocketsTransport } from "@colyseus/uwebsockets-transport"

const transport = new uWebSocketsTransport({
    /* ...options */

// ASYNC route"/async_route", (res, req) => {
    /* Can't return or yield from here without responding or attaching an abort handler */
    res.onAborted(() => {
        res.aborted = true;

    /* Awaiting will yield and effectively return to C++, so you need to have called onAborted */
    let result = await someAsyncTask();

    /* If we were aborted, you cannot respond */
    if (!res.aborted) {
        res.writeStatus('200 OK').writeHeader('IsExample', 'Yes').end(result);

// SYNC route"/sync_route", (res, req) => {
    res.writeStatus('200 OK').writeHeader('IsExample', 'Yes').end('Hello there!');

See uWebSockets.js examples for more information.

Alternative: express compatibility layer

Alternatively, we've built a thin express compatibility layer that aims to provide the same functionality from Express, but using uWebSockets.js under the hood.


npm install --save uwebsockets-express


import express from "express";
import { uWebSocketsTransport } from "@colyseus/uwebsockets-transport"
import config from "@colyseus/tools";

export default config({
  // ...
  initializeTransport: function() {
    return new uWebSocketsTransport({
      /* ...options */

  // when using `@colyseus/tools`, the `uwebsockets-express` is loaded automatically.
  // you get the expressify( as argument here.
  initializeExpress: (app) => {
    // use existing middleware implementations!
    app.use('/', serveIndex(path.join(__dirname, ".."), { icons: true, hidden: true }))
    app.use('/', express.static(path.join(__dirname, "..")));

    // register routes
    app.get("/hello", (req, res) => {
      res.json({ hello: "world!" });

  // ...
import express from "express";
import expressify from "uwebsockets-express"
import { uWebSocketsTransport } from "@colyseus/uwebsockets-transport"

const transport = new uWebSocketsTransport({
    /* ...options */
const app = expressify(;

// use existing middleware implementations!
app.use('/', serveIndex(path.join(__dirname, ".."), { icons: true, hidden: true }))
app.use('/', express.static(path.join(__dirname, "..")));

// register routes
app.get("/hello", (req, res) => {
  res.json({ hello: "world!" });

Bun WebSockets

Bun support on Colyseus is still experimental. Please report any issues you may find.


bun add @colyseus/bun-websockets
import config from "@colyseus/tools";
import { BunWebSockets } from "@colyseus/bun-websockets"

export default config({
  // ...
  initializeTransport: function() {
    return new BunWebSockets({
        /* Bun.serve options */

  // BunWebSockets comes with Express compatibility layer.
  initializeExpress: (app) => {
    // register routes
    app.get("/hello", (req, res) => {
      res.json({ hello: "world!" });
  // ...
import { Server } from "@colyseus/core";
import { BunWebSockets } from "@colyseus/bun-websockets"

const gameServer = new Server({
    transport: new BunWebSockets({
        /* Bun.serve options */

const app = gameServer.transport['expressApp'];

// register routes
app.get("/hello", (req, res) => {
    res.json({ hello: "world!" });