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What is Colyseus Multiplayer Framework?

Colyseus is a framework for writing your own authoritative multiplayer game servers using JavaScript/TypeScript and Node.js, and easily integrating it with your favorite frontend or game engine.

System Requirements

Before we start, let’s make sure you have the necessary system requirements installed in your local machine.

How does it look like?

Create a server (Node.js or Bun)

Create and start a new Colyseus server using the following commands:

Terminal: Node.js
# Create a new Colyseus project
npm create colyseus-app@latest ./my-server
# Enter the project directory
cd my-server
# Run the server
npm start

Define your Room State

The Room state is the data structure that will be synchronized between the server and the connected clients:

import { Schema, MapSchema, type } from "@colyseus/schema";
export class Player extends Schema {
    @type("number") x: number = 0;
    @type("number") y: number = 0;
export class MyState extends Schema {
    @type({ map: Player }) players = new MapSchema<Player>();

Create your Room code

Define the game logic and client interactions with the game state within your Room code.

import { Room, Client } from "@colyseus/core";
import { MyState, Player } from "./MyState";
export class MyRoom extends Room {
    maxClients = 4;
    state = new MyState();
    // Called when the room is created
    onCreate(options) { }
    // Called when a client joins the room
    onJoin(client: Client, options: any) {
        this.state.players.set(client.sessionId, new Player());
    // Called when a client leaves the room
    onLeave(client: Client, options: any) {
    // Called when the room is disposed
    onDispose() { }

Expose the Room identifier

Exposing the room type allows clients to connect to the server and dynamically create instances of it.

import config from "@colyseus/tools";
import { MyRoom } from "./MyRoom";
export default config({
    initializeGameServer: (gameServer) => {
        gameServer.define('my_room', MyRoom);

Join the Room from the client SDK

Communication between the client and server occurs through room connections. In the example below, the JavaScript SDK is used to let the client join a room and listen for state changes:

import { Client, getStateCallbacks } from 'colyseus.js';
async function connect() {
    const client = new Client('http://localhost:2567');
    const room = await client.joinOrCreate('my_room', {
        /* custom join options */
    const $ = getStateCallbacks(room);
    // Listen to 'player' instance additions
    $(room.state).players.onAdd((player, sessionId) => {
        console.log('Player joined:', player);
    // Listen to 'player' instance removals
    $(room.state).players.onRemove((player, sessionId) => {
        console.log('Player left:', player);
    return room;

Explore more

Explore more about Colyseus by following the tutorials and example projects:

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