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State Synchronization

How state synchronization works

  • When the client joins a room, it receives the full encoded state from the server.
  • State mutations on the server-side are enqueued at a per-property level. (Only the last mutation of each property is kept)
  • Enqueued mutations are binary-encoded and sent to all clients at every patchRate interval, and then cleared.
  • Client-side schema callbacks are triggered after patches were applied.

Working with schemas structures

  • Only the server-side is responsible for mutating schema structures
  • The client-side must have the same Schema definitions generated through schema-codegen. (Optional if you're using the JavaScript SDK)
  • In order to get updates from the server, you need to attach callbacks on schema instances in the client-side.
  • The client-side should never perform mutations on schema - as they are going to be replaced as soon as the next change come from the server.

State Synchronization Diagram