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Unit Testing a Colyseus Project

The @colyseus/testing package provides a few utility methods for testing your Colyseus application. It can be used along with your favorite testing framework, such as Mocha, or Jest.

Recommendations and best practices

  • Make assertions on both server-side and client-side structures after simulating an exchange of messages between them.
  • Room instances are disposed between tests - make sure each test you declare is creating the room you're going to perform tests and don't re-use room instances between tests.
  • Always declare your test cases with async.
  • Before running assertions make sure you await for the server or client to process pending actions
import { ColyseusTestServer, boot } from "@colyseus/testing";

// import your "app.config.ts" file here.
import appConfig from "../src/app.config";

describe("testing your Colyseus app", () => {
  let colyseus: ColyseusTestServer;

  before(async () => colyseus = await boot(appConfig));
  after(async () => colyseus.shutdown());

  beforeEach(async () => await colyseus.cleanup());

  it("connecting into a room", async() => {
    // `room` is the server-side Room instance reference.
    const room = await colyseus.createRoom("my_room", {});

    // `client1` is the client-side `Room` instance reference (same as JavaScript SDK)
    const client1 = await colyseus.connectTo(room);

    // make your assertions
    assert.strictEqual(client1.sessionId, room.clients[0].sessionId);
import { ColyseusTestServer, boot } from "@colyseus/testing";

// import your "app.config.ts" file here.
import appConfig from "../src/app.config";

describe("testing your Colyseus app", () => {
  let colyseus: ColyseusTestServer;

  beforeAll(async () => colyseus = await boot(appConfig));
  afterAll(async () => await colyseus.shutdown());

  beforeEach(async () => await colyseus.cleanup());

  it("connecting into a room", async() => {
    // `room` is the server-side Room instance reference.
    const room = await colyseus.createRoom("my_room", {});

    // `client1` is the client-side `Room` instance reference (same as JavaScript SDK)
    const client1 = await colyseus.connectTo(room);

    // make your assertions

Waiting for asynchronous actions to process


Wait for a particular message type to arrive in the server.

it("should receive message", async() => {
    const room = await colyseus.createRoom("my_room");
    const client1 = await colyseus.connectTo(room);

    client1.send("foo", "payload");

    // wait for specific a message
    const [ client, message ] = await room.waitForMessage("foo");

    // ... message "foo" has been received and processed
    assert.strictEqual(client.sessionId, client1.sessionId);
    assert.strictEqual("payload", message);


Wait for any next message to arrive in the server.


  • additionalDelay: number - additional delay after onMessage has been called in the server-side, in milliseconds (optional)
it("should receive message", async() => {
    const room = await colyseus.createRoom("my_room");
    const client1 = await colyseus.connectTo(room);

    let received = false;
    room.onMessage("foo", (client, message) => {
        received = true;

    await room.waitForNextMessage();



Wait for the server to send the latest patched state to all clients.

it("client state must match server's after patch is received", async() => {
    const room = await colyseus.createRoom("my_room");
    const client1 = await colyseus.connectTo(room);

    await room.waitForNextPatch();

    // server and client's state must match after the patch
    assert.deepStrictEqual(client1.state.toJSON(), room.state.toJSON());


Wait for the next simulation tick to complete.

it("should assert something after room's simulation tick", async() => {
    const room = await colyseus.createRoom("my_room");
    const client1 = await colyseus.connectTo(room);

    await room.waitForNextSimulationTick();

    // (this is just an illustration scenario)
    // (assuming the room's state has a "tick" property that updates during setSimulationInterval())
    assert.strictEqual(room.state.tick, 1);

Client-side SDK methods & utilities

From your test-cases, you may call any of the client-side SDK methods through colyseus.sdk


it("should connect into battle_room with options x, y, z", async () => {
    const client = await colyseus.sdk.joinOrCreate("battle_room", {
        a: "a",
        b: "b",
        c: "c"


Wait for client state to be in sync with the server.

it("should do xyz after receiving message 'x'", async () => {
    const client = await colyseus.sdk.joinOrCreate("battle_room");
    await client.waitForNextPatch();
    // perform assertions after client has received a message


Wait for a particular message type to arrive in the client-side.

it("should do xyz after receiving message 'x'", async () => {
    const client = await colyseus.sdk.joinOrCreate("battle_room");

    await client.waitForMessage("received-x");
    // perform assertions after client has received "received-x" message type.


Wait for any next message to arrive in the client.

it("should do xyz after receiving message 'x'", async () => {
    const client = await colyseus.sdk.joinOrCreate("battle_room");

    await client.waitForNextMessage();
    // perform assertions after client has received a message

Testing HTTP Routes

The @colyseus/testing also offers an HTTP client for requesting your custom http routes:

  • colyseus.http.get(url, opts)
  •, opts)
  • colyseus.http.patch(url, opts)
  • colyseus.http.delete(url, opts)
  • colyseus.http.put(url, opts)


it("should get json data", async () => {
    const response = await colyseus.http.get("/");

    // "data" is the response body
    assert.deepStrictEqual({ success: true },;

    // access to response headers.
    assert.strictEqual('header value', response.headers['some-header']);