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Auth Module (@colyseus/auth)

The @colyseus/auth module is highly configurable and allows you to implement your own authentication backend.

This module is currently in beta

Feedback is welcome on colyseus/colyseus#660.


  • Client-side APIs (via client.auth)
  • Email/Password Authentication
  • Anonymous Authentication
  • Forgot Password + Password Reset
  • OAuth 2.0 providers (200+ supported providers, including Discord, Google, Twitter, etc.)

Backend configuration you need to provide

  • Environment secrets
  • Storing and querying users from/into your database
  • Sending emails (for "Email Verification" and "Password Reset")
  • OAuth 2.0 providers (for OAuth authentication)

Example Project using @colyseus/auth

The Webgame Template repository contains a complete usage example for both server-side and client-side.


Install the @colyseus/auth module:

npm install --save @colyseus/auth


It is required to bind the authentication routes to Express.

import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

export default config({
// ...
    initializeExpress: (app) => {
        // ...
        app.use(auth.prefix, auth.routes());
        // ...
// ...

Client-side API (client.auth)

Backend configuration required

None of the client-side APIs below will work unless you configure your backend. See example configuration from the Webgame Template project.

client.auth.registerWithEmailAndPassword(email, password, options?)

Register a new user with email/password and return userdata. The user will be automatically logged in after registration. This method modifies the client.auth.token property.

The options argument is optional and may contain data you can use when creating the user's account.

try {
    const userdata = await client.auth.registerWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);

} catch (e) {

client.auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)

Sign in with email/password and return userdata. This method modifies the client.auth.token property.

try {
    const userdata = await client.auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);

} catch (e) {


Sign in anonymously and return anonymous userdata. This method modifies the client.auth.token property.

try {
    const userdata = await client.auth.signInAnonymously();

} catch (e) {


Sign in with OAuth provider and return userdata. This method modifies the client.auth.token property.

try {
    const userdata = await client.auth.signInWithProvider('discord');

} catch (e) {

The OAuth authentication flow

  • A popup window to is opened /auth/provider/[PROVIDER-ID]
  • The user is redirected to the OAuth provider's website
  • The user authenticates with the OAuth provider
  • The user is redirected back to /auth/provider/[PROVIDER-ID]/callback (see OAuth Provider Callback)
  • The popup window is closed and userdata is returned


try {
    const result = await client.auth.sendPasswordResetEmail('');

} catch (e) {


try {
    const userdata = await client.auth.getUserData();

} catch (e) {


Define a callback that is triggered when internal auth state changes. It only triggers as a response from client.auth method calls - this is not a realtime subscription.

client.auth.onChange(function(authData) {


Clear the authentication token from the client-side.



The authentication token is automatically sent to the server on every request. Operations that result in a user being logged in will set the client.auth.token property, which is a JWT token containing the user's data. The contents of this token are

client.auth.token = "xxxx";

The JWT token is cached and reloaded on page refresh.

The JWT token is stored in the localStorage of the browser.

Backend configuration

Environment Secrets and Security Concerns

It is required to provide the following environment secrets:

  • AUTH_SALT - Used to hash the user's password. (scrypt algorithm by default)
  • JWT_SECRET - Used to sign the JWT token.
  • SESSION_SECRET - Used to sign the session cookie. (only used during OAuth flow)

How to generate a random string

You may use the following command to generate a random string openssl rand -base64 32. Alternatively, you can use an online strong password generator.

Keep your secrets safe

The exposure of these secrets may lead to security breaches on your application. Make sure to never expose them publicly, and limit the number of people in your team who have access to them.

If any of these secrets are compromised, you must rotate them immediately. The implications of rotating them are:

  • Rotating AUTH_SALT will invalidate all user's passwords. Users will need to reset their password.
  • Rotating JWT_SECRET will invalidate all JWT tokens. Users will need to login again.
  • Rotating SESSION_SECRET will invalidate all session cookies. (only used during OAuth flow)

Email/Password Authentication

In order to allow email/password authentication, you must implement the following callbacks:

  • auth.settings.onFindUserByEmail: to query your database for the user's by its email address
  • auth.settings.onRegisterWithEmailAndPassword: to insert a new user into your database

onFindUserByEmail setting

Use this callback to query your database for the user's by its email address. (The database module is not provided by this module, you must provide your own.)

Return value: It must return the user entry from the database, with password field included. All values, except from the password will be encoded in the JWT token. It is recommended to return at least the user's id + password from your database, although you can store more fields for convenience sake.

Error: If null or undefined is returned, user will receive invalid_credentials error message. You may throw yourself a different error by using throw new Error("your_error_message").

import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.settings.onFindUserByEmail = async function (email) {
    return await User.query().selectAll().where("email", "=", email).executeTakeFirst();

onRegisterWithEmailAndPassword setting

Use this callback to insert a new user into your database. The password is already hashed.

If throwing an error, the error message will be sent to the client.

import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.settings.onRegisterWithEmailAndPassword = async function (email, password, options) {
    return await User.insert({ name, email, password, });

Anonymous Authentication

Anonymous authentication is enabled by default. You may customize how the anonymous user is created by providing the onRegisterAnonymously callback.

By default, the anonymous user will have the following fields on its JWT token payload:

  "anonymous": true
  "anonymousId": "vRSN1FbtZx5uo19hKSqA1", // 21 characters

onRegisterAnonymously setting

You may use this callback to customize the JWT token payload for anonymous users. The fields returned by this callback will be available in the JWT token as payload.

On the example below the anonymous user is being inserted into the database, and its userId is being returned as payload.

import { generateId } from "colyseus";
import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.settings.onRegisterAnonymously = async function (options) {
    const userId = await User.insert({ anonymous: true });
    return { userId };

Email Verification

You may enable email verification by providing both onSendEmailConfirmation and onEmailConfirmed callbacks.

It is your responsibility to limit the user access to your application until their email is verified.

Email verification is not mandatory

Users are allowed to login without verifying their email address. If you require email verification, you must validate if the user's email is verified on your application.

onSendEmailConfirmation setting

Use this callback to send the email verification to the user.

Argument Description
email the email address of the user
html the HTML contents of the email (uses the address-confirmation-email.html template)
link the URL to confirm the email address (optional, the template already includes this URL)
import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.settings.onSendEmailConfirmation = async function(email, html, link) {
    // send email to the user (example using
    await resend.emails.send({
        to: email,
        subject: '[Your project]: Confirm your email address',
        from: '',
        html: htmlContents,

onEmailConfirmed setting

This this callback to update the user's database record as verified.

Argument Description
email the email address of the user
import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.settings.onEmailConfirmed = async function(email) {
    // update user database record as verified
    await User.update({ verified: true }).where("email", "=", email).execute();

Forgot Password

To enable "Forgot Password" feature, you must provide the following callbacks:

  • auth.settings.onForgotPassword: to send the email to the user
  • auth.settings.onResetPassword: to update the user's password

How it works

The link to reset the password is sent to the user's email address. The link contains a JWT token with the user's email address as payload. The user is then redirected to a page where they can enter a new password. The token expires in 30 minutes and can't be re-used.

onForgotPassword setting

Use this callback to send the "forgot password" email to the user. The email template used is reset-password-email.html.

import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.settings.onForgotPassword = async function (email: string, html: string/* , resetLink: string */) {
  await resend.emails.send({
    to: email,
    subject: '[Your project]: Reset password',
    from: '',
    html: html

onResetPassword setting

Use this callback to update the user's password. The password is already hashed.

import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.settings.onResetPassword = async function (email: string, password: string) {
  await User.update({ password }).where("email", "=", email).execute();

OAuth providers (Discord, Google, X/Twitter, etc)

In order to enable OAuth authentication, you must add at least one OAuth provider, and implement the auth.oauth.onCallback callback.

This module supports 200+ OAuth 2.0 providers

This module leverages the hard work of simov on his grant open-source module, which supports 200+ OAuth 2.0 providers.

You may check the original Grant Playground to experiment with scopes and OAuth configuration.

Add OAuth Provider (via auth.oauth.addProvider())

Argument Description
providerId the provider ID (e.g. "discord", "google", "twitter", etc)
options the provider options, may vary depending on the provider (see below)
import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.oauth.addProvider('[PROVIDER-ID]', {
  scope: ['identify', 'email'],

OAuth Provider Callback (auth.oauth.onCallback)

Use this callback to create the user's account after the OAuth provider redirects the user back to your application.

You must configure the "Redirect URL" on the OAuth provider's dashboard to point to the following URL:


Redirect URL on different environments

It is recommended that you create a different OAuth application for development and production environments. This way you can configure the "Redirect URL" to point to http://localhost:2567/auth/provider/[PROVIDER-ID]/callback during development, and https://[YOUR-DOMAIN]/auth/provider/[PROVIDER-ID]/callback on production.

Argument Description
data the OAuth data (e.g. profile, access_token, etc)
providerId the provider ID (e.g. "discord", "google", "twitter", etc)
import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.oauth.onCallback(async (data, provider) => {
    const profile = data.profile;
    return await User.upsert({
        name: profile.global_name || profile.username,
        locale: profile.locale,

Example: Discord

To enable Discord authentication, you must create a new application at Discord Developer Portal.

Under the "Settings -> OAuth2" you will find the Client ID (key) and Client Secret (secret), that must be used to configure the provider:

auth.oauth.addProvider('discord', {
  scope: ['identify', 'email'],

You will also need to configure the "Redirect URL" so Discord can redirect the user back to your application after authentication. The URL must be in the following format:


Advanced Settings

You may customize the following settings:

  • auth.settings.onParseToken: to parse JWT token provided by the client-side
  • auth.settings.onGenerateToken: to generate the auth token
  • auth.settings.onHashPassword: to hash the user's password

onParseToken setting

Use this callback to parse the token provided by the client-side. The token is already verified and decoded.

import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.settings.onParseToken = async function (jwt) {
    return jwt;

onGenerateToken setting

Use this callback to generate the token from the user's data. The token is already verified and decoded.

import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.settings.onGenerateToken = async function (userdata) {
    return JWT.sign(userdata);

onHashPassword setting

Use this callback to hash the user's password.

import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.settings.onHashPassword = async function (password: string) {
    return Hash.make(password);

Protecting an HTTP route (via auth.middleware())

You may protect an HTTP route by using the auth.middleware() middleware. Only authenticated users will be able to access the route.

app.get("/protected", auth.middleware(), (req: Request, res) => {

Customize Email Templates

You can customize the email templates by providing your own templates under the html directory.

├─ html/
│  ├─ address-confirmation-email.html
│  ├─ address-confirmation.html
│  ├─ reset-password-email.html
│  ├─ reset-password-form.html
├─ package.json

It is recommended to copy the default templates from the @colyseus/auth package, and customize them to your needs:

Upgrading and linking user accounts

You may use the contents of the previous active token (upgradingToken) when registering an user via email/password or OAuth.

  • Upgrade an anonymous user to an email/password or OAuth account
  • Link multiple OAuth providers to the same account


import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.settings.onRegisterWithEmailAndPassword = async function (email, password, options) {
     * options.upgradingToken contains the previous token payload
     * you can use its contents to link the user's account
import { auth } from "@colyseus/auth";

auth.oauth.onCallback(async (data, provider) => {
     * data.upgradingToken contains the previous token payload
     * you can use its contents to link the user's account