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Debug messages

To enable all debug logs, run your server using the DEBUG=colyseus:* environment variable:

DEBUG=colyseus:* npm start
Name Description
colyseus:errors Whenever unexpected (or expected, internally) errors happens on the server-side.
colyseus:matchmaking Whenever a room is spanwed or disposed.
colyseus:message Incoming and outgoing room messages
colyseus:patch The number of bytes and interval between patches broadcasted to all clients.
colyseus:connection Incoming and outgoing connections


You can use the the built-in inspector from Node.js to debug your application.


Read more about Debugging Node.js Applications.

Using the inspector on production environment

Be careful when using the inspector on production. Using memory snapshots and breakpoints will impact the experience of your users directly.

1. Connect to the remote server:


2. Check the PID of the Node process

ps aux | grep node

3. Attach the inspector on the process

kill -usr1 PID

4. Create a SSH tunnel from your local machine to the remote inspector

ssh -L 9229:localhost:9229

Your production server should now appear on chrome://inspect.