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Upgrading to the new Unity Colyseus SDK 0.14.5 (May 10th, 2021)


In an effort to better support future releases and updates, some fairly major changes were required to the existing Colyseus Unity plugin. Code has been organized and integrated in a more "Unity-friendly" way and some classes have been re-named to prevent naming overlaps.

Unity SDK 0.14.5 on GitHub

Code Refactoring

Plugins Folder

The code no longer lives in the Plugins folder. If you're updating your project, you can simply remove all colyseus code from the Plugins folder (before or after the package is imported).

Server Settings

The server settings have been moved into a more generalized ScriptableObject. Users can have different development and production settings objects and assign them to their manager class as required.


One of the bigger changes in this upgrade is that ColyseusManager is now a generic-typed class, so your project will need a class that inherits from ColyseusManager.

public class YOUR_MANAGER_CLASS : ColyseusManager<YOUR_MANAGER_CLASS>
    //Any override or additional functionality you need
This will allow you to inherit from and override manager functionality as needed, though if that isn't required, that example above would be sufficient (or feel free to use our ExampleManager, provided with the package). All ColyseusClient handling (previously "Client") should occur within this class, however if that is too big of a refactor for your codebase you are welcome to expose the ColyseusClient as needed. Additionally, invoking ColyseusManager.Instance previously would instantiate the ColyseusManager object (if it was currently null). Due to these changes, you must now make a GameObject in the scene and attach your manager script to it.

Auth and @colyseus/social

The client.Auth has been deprecated. If your project relies on that feature, feel free to copy the Auth.cs file over into your project.


FossilDeltaSerializer has been removed from the plugin entirely.

Renamed Classes

Old Name New Name Notes
MessageHandler ColyseusMessageHandler
MatchMakeResponse ColyseusMatchMakeResponse Broken out of Client.cs
Room ColyseusRoom
Room Available ColyseusRoomAvailable Broken out of Client.cs
RoomAvailableCollection CSARoomAvailableCollection Broken out of Client.cs
NoneSerializer ColyseusNoneSerializer
SchemaSerializer ColyseusSchemaSerializer
Serializer ColyseusSerializer
Context ColyseusContext
Decoder ColyseusDecoder
Encoder ColyseusEncoder
ReferenceTracker ColyseusReferenceTracker
ArraySchema ColyseusArraySchema
CustomType ColyseusCustomType
Reflection ColyseusReflection
ArrayUtils ColyseusArrayUtils
Exceptions ColyseusExceptions
ExtensionMethods ColyseusExtensionMethods
HttpQSCollection ColyseusHttpQSCollection Broken out of HttpUtility.cs
HttpUtility ColyseusHttpUtility
ObjectExtensions ColyseusObjectExtensions
UnityWebRequestAwaiter ColyseusUnityWebRequestAwaiter Broken out of ExtensionMethods.cs
Client ColyseusClient
Connection ColyseusConnection
Protocol ColyseusProtocol

Example Integration

  • Import the new Colyseus Unity package
  • Delete all Colyseus Code from the Plugins folder
  • Directories include:
    • Colyseus
    • FossilDelta
    • Serialization
    • Websocket
  • Create a manager class that inherits from ColyseusManager
  • Place an empty gameobject in the scene and attach this script (or attach it to an existing manager class)
  • If you already have a manager class that handles most Colyseus functionality, consider having that class inherit from ColyseusManager
  • Create a server settings object
  • Right-Click > Create > Colyseus > Generate ColyseusSettings ScriptableObject
  • Assign that object in the "ColyseusSettings" field of your manager

It was very difficult to imagine all potential use cases of the existing plugin and take them into account when making these changes. However, we feel the changes that have been made will be beneficial for the future of the project, improving both longevity and stability. If you run into any problems when attempting to upgrade your project, please reach out and let us know so we can help and so we can update this documentation to help other developers in the future!